The covenants have been extended for 15 years. The new expiration date is Nov. 3, 2038
The Two Rivers Subdivision Covenants "Renewal and Extension of the Covenants of Two Rivers Subdivision" has been recorded with the Register of Deeds of Waukesha County. The extension, along with supporting signature documents, can be found on the Register of Deeds website. The document number is 4757008 (see below on how to access that document). The covenants are in effect as originally written in 1998 through Nov 3, 2038. No changes to the content of the covenants were made. The convenants can be modified at any time by written agreement of at least 60% of lot owners. This means at least 115 owners must agree in writing to any modifications. It is highly recommended that a lawyer be involved from the start of any projected modifications, as there are many legal and administrative requirements to follow. The initial recorded document (#4743965) has all 117 signature documents that support the extension. The initial extension (document #4743965) was recorded with a typo, that stated the covenants were extended through Nov 3, 2023 - this was actually the expiration date. Once that was noticed, the attorney produced a "correction instrument", which is published as document #4757008, and articulates the actual expiration date of Nov. 3, 2038. To get to the documents online, you can go to the Waukesha County Register of Deeds Public Access Document Search (this will open in a new window). Once you get to that site, you will need to click the "acknowledge the disclaimer and enter the site" link at the top of the page. once you get to the complicated-looking web page, simply put in the document number you are looking for in the field labeled "Instrument # From:", and click the "Search" button. This should get you to the document you want. There is a wealth of information and documents on that site. Here is some information on how to use that site. If you have questions on the actual contents of the two documents listed above, please send the questions via the contact us page.
News from the ACB
June 2024